[Band 7.5] Four Countries Spending Habits of Shopping on Consumer Goods | Sample Answer

Difficulty Level: Hard
four countries spending habits of shopping on consumer goods in 2012 - Task 1 Writing online simulator test - IELTS TEST SERVICES - ieltstest.services Sample Answer
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IELTS Writing Task 1: Question

The bar chart below gives information about four countries spending habits of shopping on consumer goods in 2012.

The bar chart below gives information about four countries spending habits of shopping on consumer goods in 2012
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Sample Answer:

The vertical bar graph demonstrates how Belgians, Spaniards, Austrians, and British consumers spent their money in 2012 on six different commodities.

In an overview, the amount that British spent highest on books, toys, and cameras, while Austria expended the least on outdoor sports accessories and cosmetics.

According to the given data, the British spent slightly more than 15,000 pounds sterling on console games in 2012, in contrast to 150,000 pounds spent by the other three countries in the same category. The amount that English people spent on outdoor sports equipment was approximately 156,000, which is almost equal to what Spanish people spent. The least amount of money was spent on these accessories this year by Austrians.

Examining further, the amount of monetary resources used on cosmetics by consumers in Austria and Belgium was approximately 145 thousand pounds, compared to approximately 10 and 15 thousand pounds in Spain and Britain accordingly. Interestingly, the British spent the most in 2012 to acquire these goods, with toys and cameras accounting for a larger portion of their total spending. Austrians preferred spending money on cameras over toys. The British spent 167–170 thousand pounds sterling on each of these two products, while the Austrians spent the least, at around 145 thousand pounds sterling.

IELTS Writing Test Library

Vocabulary Used & Why?

  • Vertical bar graph

    A precise term to describe the type of visual representation, ensuring clarity in academic writing.

  • Commodities

    A formal term for goods, aligning with the context of consumer spending.

  • Expended

    A refined synonym for spent, adding sophistication to the analysis.

  • Contrast

    A useful term for describing differences, improving the report’s readability.

  • Monetary resources

    A formal phrase to describe money spent, elevating the tone of the description.

  • Accessories

    A precise word for additional items, fitting the context of consumer spending.

  • Accounting for

    A formal phrase to describe the proportion of spending, aligning with statistical descriptions.

  • Approximately

    A commonly used term for estimations, ensuring accuracy without being overly precise.

  • Preferred

    A simple yet impactful word to describe choices, aligning with consumer behavior analysis.

  • Acquired

    A formal synonym for bought, suitable for academic discussions of purchasing behavior.

Band Score Analysis


(+/- 0.5)

Vocabulary Complexity

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Good range of vocabulary, but limited use of advanced terms.

Grammar Mistakes


Some issues with phrasing and word choice.

Vocabulary Repetition

  • Spent: 6
  • Amount: 4
  • Thousand: 4
Consider reducing repetition by using synonyms.

Task Response


Addresses all aspects of the task, but could elaborate more on trends.

Coherence & Cohesion


Good logical flow and effective use of linking phrases.

Lexical Resource


Displays a decent range of vocabulary but lacks sophistication.

Grammatical Range & Accuracy


Demonstrates varied sentence structures with minor lapses.

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