[Band 7] The chart below shows the amount spent on six consumer goods in four european countries

Difficulty Level: Medium
amount spent on six consumer goods in four European countries - Task 1 Writing online simulator test - IELTS TEST SERVICES - ieltstest.services Sample Answer
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IELTS Writing Task 1: Question

The chart below shows the Amount Spent on Six Consumer Goods in Four European Countries.
Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

Amount Spent on Six Consumer Goods in Four European Countries
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Sample Answer:

The bar chart illustrates the money expended on six different retail products in four distinct countries namely Germany, Italy, France, and Britain.

In an overview, it is evident that British consumers allocate the highest amount of their budget to photographic film in contrast to the other three nations. Among the six items, photographic film sets itself as the category with the highest overall expenditure.

To begin with, a closer examination of the graph reveals that British consumers spend the most on each of the products, especially in the case of photographic film, where the expenditure exceeds 170,000 pounds. Conversely, Germans are the least extravagant, investing roughly the same amount on each item, recorded to be just under 150 thousand pounds.

Examining further, nearly 160 thousand pounds are spent on toys in France and Italy. Interestingly, French people spend an increased amount of money on CDs and photographic film in comparison to Italians who have preference for spending on personal stereos, tennis racquets, and perfumes. Documented to be at about 145 thousand pounds, the expenditure on tennis racquets by France is the lowest amount depicted on the chart.

IELTS Writing Test Library

Vocabulary Used & Why?

  • Illustrates

    A formal and precise term to describe the visual representation of data in the bar chart.

  • Expended

    A sophisticated synonym for spent, elevating the formal tone of the analysis.

  • Distinct

    A refined word to emphasize the uniqueness of each country in the comparison.

  • Allocate

    A formal term to describe the distribution of resources, fitting for financial contexts.

  • Extravagant

    A compelling adjective to describe high levels of spending, adding depth to the comparison.

  • Preference

    A versatile term to express consumer choices, relevant to the spending habits described.

  • Documented

    A formal synonym for recorded, suitable for discussions about data in a report.

  • Conversely

    An effective transition word to highlight contrasting trends between countries.

  • Depicted

    A formal term for shown, aligning with the academic tone of the description.

Band Score Analysis


(+/- 0.5)

Vocabulary Complexity

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Good vocabulary with accurate usage but lacks advanced expressions.

Grammar Mistakes


Minor grammar errors; overall clear and accurate.

Vocabulary Repetition

  • Expenditure: 4
  • Consumers: 3
  • Products: 2
Consider using synonyms to improve lexical variety.

Task Response


Effectively addresses the task with relevant details and comparisons.

Coherence & Cohesion


Logical organization with effective use of linking phrases.

Lexical Resource


Good lexical range but could benefit from more advanced terms.

Grammatical Range & Accuracy


Demonstrates a range of structures with occasional lapses.

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