[Band 7.5] Write a letter to the local authorities by requesting additional sports facilities for your age group in your area

Difficulty Level: Hard
requesting additional sports facilities For Your age group in your area - Letter Writing online simulator test - IELTS TEST SERVICES - ieltstest.services Sample Answer
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IELTS Writing Task 1: Question

Write a letter to the local authorities by requesting additional sports facilities for your age group in your area. In your letter:

  • Mention the current sports facilities available
  • What kind of additional sports facilities to be introduced
  • How the new sports facilities would be of help for people in your age group
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Sample Answer:

Dear Sir,

I am writing to draw your attention to the urgent need of requirement of sports facilities, especially ones that can serve people in my age range.

My name is Patriarca Jones, a young resident of Georgetown for the past 24 years. Presently, the sports facilities in our community are few and mostly consist of a hockey field and a small baseball court. However, the varied interests and preferences of the young adults in our community are not adequately catered to.

I would like to suggest creating a multipurpose sports complex with amenities like a running track, a volleyball court, and a special outdoor fitness area in order to close this gap. These additions would encourage a healthier and more active lifestyle among people in my age group.

Additionally, a sense of community involvement and wellbeing would be greatly enhanced by the new sports facilities. Residents would be encouraged to work out in groups by the outdoor fitness area, which would foster social and physical interactions as well as good health. I humbly ask the local government to take into account the construction of new sports facilities specifically designed to meet the needs of the 18–30 age group members.

Anticipating a favourable response and proactive measures from your end regarding this matter.

Yours faithfully,
Patriarca Jones

Vocabulary Used & Why?

  • Urgent

    Adds immediacy to the request, emphasizing the importance of the issue.

  • Requirement

    A formal term that highlights a specific need, making the argument more structured.

  • Varied interests

    A phrase that shows inclusivity, addressing diverse preferences in the community.

  • Multipurpose

    A practical word that conveys efficiency and versatility in the proposed solution.

  • Amenities

    A professional term to refer to facilities, enhancing the letter’s formal tone.

  • Encourage

    A positive action word that promotes motivation and support for healthy living.

  • Foster

    A sophisticated term that suggests nurturing growth, emphasizing community benefits.

  • Wellbeing

    A holistic term that encompasses both physical and mental health, adding depth to the argument.

  • Proactive

    Suggests forward-thinking actions, encouraging prompt and effective measures.

  • Take into account

    A polite and formal phrase to request consideration of a proposal.

Band Score Analysis


(+/- 0.5)

Vocabulary Complexity

C1 – Advanced

Employs a formal and persuasive tone with well-structured expressions.

Grammar Mistakes


“Urgent need of requirement” is redundant; “urgent need for” is correct. “In order to close this gap” could be simplified to “to close this gap.”

Vocabulary Repetition

  • Sports facilities: 4
  • Community: 2
  • Outdoor: 2
Consider using synonyms to enhance lexical variety and avoid redundancy.

Task Response


Effectively addresses the issue with clear suggestions and logical arguments.

Coherence & Cohesion


Ideas flow well with logical structuring and effective use of cohesive devices.

Lexical Resource


Demonstrates a strong range of vocabulary, though slight repetition is present.

Grammatical Range & Accuracy


Shows a good variety of sentence structures, with minor grammatical inconsistencies.

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