[Band 7] You stayed at a hotel recently and forgot your clothes there. Write a letter to the hotel manager

Difficulty Level: Medium
You stayed at a hotel recently and forgot your clothes there - Letter Writing online simulator test - IELTS TEST SERVICES - ieltstest.services Sample Answer
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IELTS Writing Task 1: Question

You stayed at a hotel recently and forgot your clothes there. Write a letter to the hotel manager and say:

  • When and where did you stay?
  • Describe your clothes
  • What would you like the manager to do about it?
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Sample Answer:

Dear Manager,

I am writing this letter to inform you that unfortunately I forgot some of my clothes at your hotel after my recent stay over there.

I had the pleasure of staying in room number 345 at your prestigious hotel, four point something, Toronto from 12th November to 14th November recently. Regretfully, it seems I checked out of the room with a set of clothes still in there.

The missing items are a grey pair of pants, a white collared shirt, and a navy-blue jacket. The trousers have a subtle pinstripe pattern, and the jacket has a noticeable leather patch on the left sleeve. Crucially, the pants’ pocket held important documents, including the entry card to my workplace, without which access is currently restricted.

I would appreciate your help finding and protecting these items. If the items are located, please have the hotel arrange for them to be shipped to my address at 56 Carvel Drive, Kitchener. I am ready to pay for any related expenses.

I would greatly appreciate your prompt attention.

Yours sincerely,

Vocabulary Used & Why?

  • Prestigious

    Highlights the hotel’s reputation, setting a respectful tone for the letter.

  • Regretfully

    Polite language to express remorse, maintaining formality and courtesy.

  • Subtle

    A precise word to describe something delicate or understated, adding clarity to the description.

  • Noticeable

    Helps emphasize distinguishing features, making identification easier.

  • Crucially

    Indicates the importance of a specific detail, adding urgency to the request.

  • Restricted

    A professional way to describe limited access, underscoring the significance of the lost items.

  • Protecting

    Conveys a sense of care and responsibility, encouraging action from the recipient.

  • Shipped

    A straightforward term to describe the transportation of items, keeping the tone practical.

  • Expenses

    A formal word to discuss costs, showing willingness to cover them while remaining polite.

  • Prompt attention

    A respectful phrase to request urgency without sounding demanding.

Band Score Analysis


(+/- 0.5)

Vocabulary Complexity

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Uses appropriate formal vocabulary, but could include more sophisticated expressions.

Grammar Mistakes


“Four point something” is unclear and should be corrected. “Over there” is unnecessary.

Vocabulary Repetition

  • Hotel: 2
  • Items: 3
  • Appreciate: 2
Consider rewording to reduce redundancy and improve lexical variety.

Task Response


Clearly communicates the issue and request but could include a more structured closing.

Coherence & Cohesion


Ideas are well-connected, but some phrasing could improve logical flow.

Lexical Resource


Uses appropriate vocabulary but could incorporate more precise and varied word choices.

Grammatical Range & Accuracy


Demonstrates a variety of sentence structures with minor lapses in clarity.

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