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Research Project | IELTS Listening + Answers

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Research Project IELTS

Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.

1. How did John choose the topic of his research project?

2. During his research, John is expecting to find that

3. What is the problem with using official records?

4. What does the tutor think about John using a questionnaire to get information?

5. Which new variable does John agree to add to his investigation?

6. How many questionnaires will John distribute?

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which strategies will John use to encourage people to fill out his questionnaire?

Which pieces of advice does the tutor give John about his questionnaire?

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Solved Answers & Explanation

Question 1: Answer is C

Relevant Line: “I found a report in the college library about an investigation that was done 10 years ago and I thought it’d be interesting to do a parallel one.”

Analysis: John explicitly mentions that he chose the topic because he read about a similar study conducted earlier, making “C” the correct answer.

Question 2: Answer is B

Relevant Line: “I think the number of people going to the library will have decreased and I’d guess that older people are using the sports center more often than they used to.”

Analysis: John’s hypothesis includes a change in habits for older people using the sports center more, directly supporting “B” as the correct answer.

Question 3: Answer is A

Relevant Line: “There might not be as much information as you’d like but it’d certainly be the easiest kind of data to work with.”

Analysis: The tutor highlights that official records may lack detail, making “A” the correct answer.

Question 4: Answer is C

Relevant Line: “It’ll be good to get experience because next year you’ll have to do something similar for your final dissertation on a bigger scale.”

Analysis: The tutor points out that practicing questionnaire design now will help with the dissertation next year, supporting “C” as the correct answer.

Question 5: Answer is C

Relevant Line: “Are you going to look at people’s level of education, whether they have a degree for example?” “I hadn’t planned to do that, do you think I should?”

Analysis: John agrees to add qualifications (level of education) as a variable, making “C” the correct answer.

Question 6: Answer is B

Relevant Line: “I should probably distribute about 80 questionnaires altogether to allow for wastage.”

Analysis: John plans to distribute more questionnaires than needed to ensure enough responses, supporting “B” as the correct answer.

Question 7: Answer is D

Relevant Line: “I could enclose a stamped envelope for the return post. It’s a bit expensive but I think it’ll be worth it.”

Analysis: John plans to provide return envelopes to encourage participation, directly supporting “D.”

Question 8: Answer is E

Relevant Line: “To make sure that your questions make sense, you should try them out beforehand.” “That’s no problem. My friends will help.”

Analysis: John mentions trialing the questionnaire with friends, supporting “E” as the correct answer.

Question 9: Answer is B

Relevant Line: “Don’t forget you’ll need to get a bit of information about your subjects, what age group they’re in, and perhaps how long they’ve lived in the area.”

Analysis: The tutor advises John to include personal information, such as age, supporting “B” as the correct answer.

Question 10: Answer is C

Relevant Line: “It would be a good idea to have a short paragraph at the top explaining what I’m doing and why.” “Definitely.”

Analysis: The tutor emphasizes the importance of an introduction to explain the survey’s purpose, making “C” the correct answer.

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