#9 Speaking Mock Test

Speaking Exam

Part 1: Introduction and Interview

What kind of transportation do you prefer to use?
Do you enjoy learning about history? Why or why not?
What kind of clothing do you feel most comfortable wearing?
How do you typically spend your evenings?
Have you ever traveled to another country? Where did you go?

Speaking Exam

Part 2: Cue Card

Describe a time when you had to take a risk.
Talk about a skill that you have improved over time.
Describe a person who you admire for their achievements.
Discuss a place that you would like to visit in the future.
Describe a time when you had to deal with a difficult customer or client.

Speaking Exam

Part 3: Discussion

What are some benefits and drawbacks of online shopping?
How has the role of traditional gender roles changed in modern society?
Do you think it's important for people to be able to speak multiple languages? Why or why not?
What are some factors that contribute to a person's success in their career?
What are some ways that people can contribute to their communities?

Enrolled Students 2

This Test Includes

  • Total Questions : 3
  • Institute : Mock Test
  • Test Type : General
  • Grammar Analysis : yes