#5 Speaking Mock Test

Speaking Exam

Part 1: Introduction and Interview

Do you live in a house or an apartment?
What's your favorite way to relax?
Have you ever traveled abroad? If so, where did you go?
What kind of TV programs do you enjoy watching?
Do you prefer spending time alone or with friends?

Speaking Exam

Part 2: Cue Card

Describe a difficult decision you had to make.
Talk about a time when you had to solve a problem.
Describe a time when you received good news.
Discuss a place you would like to visit in the future.
Describe a memorable meal you have had.

Speaking Exam

Part 3: Discussion

What are some factors that influence people's decision making?
How do people typically handle stressful situations in your culture?
What are some advantages and disadvantages of international travel?
Do you think it's important to learn a second language? Why or why not?
How have smartphones changed the way people communicate?

Enrolled Students 1

This Test Includes

  • Total Questions : 3
  • Institute : Mock Test
  • Test Type : General
  • Grammar Analysis : yes